
Thursday, August 14, 2008 playdate

So, John decided to be disrespectful to me this morning over something so small I can't even mention it because well I still can't believe it. But, no matter the reason he was very disrepectful to me. So the only thing that would be harmful to take away was his playdate with his best friend, Nathan. He of course responded saying he didn't really want to go and play with Nathan anyway. Whatever, we all know the truth. I told him he really lucked out this time then. We had a long discussion, with breaks for emotional calm downs so we could discuss like normal human beings. He finally settled down, delt with his attitude and was very remorseful for what he did to me. We prayed together and our relationship grew. It seems recently that whenever there has been an issue of disrepect and I am hard on it, we grow from it and I believe he respects me more. I am writing this more for myself to look back on and remember and to not forget. Love is sometimes really hard, but so good. I am growing a Man, not a boy. It ended well today. Hopefully, I can be strong next time too!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Good job staying strong! I'm not where Ben can talk back but he can be very stubborn about what he wants to do and I try to stay strong knowing that it will pay off in the end.