
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Beginnings...

So I have wanted to start a blog for a long time, just because I really just like to talk and remember what has actually happened in my life. It seems like it flys by so0000 FAST!

So here we are. I will be putting everyday stuff on here, RANDOM stuff...hence the title of this blog. Good? Yeah, I know.

So what happened today you say, I am so glad you asked. McDonald's. My mom took us there for lunch. Thanks mom! The kids were placed in a situation that they have not occurred yet. There were these two bossy girls that were blocking the entrance into the bubble play area on the McD's playland. The main one could only have been four or five. She was telling my kids off. My mom and I could read her lips. They stopped and told her that she needed to do what the bible said and to share. Her response, "I don't know about the bible." They ran down and asked what they should do. "Keep being nice to her and ask her nicely to move", I said. She would not budge. They kept being nice to her (except for the short time when emily got fed up and started pulling the girls arms and dragging her out of the way...oops! john ran to her and reminder her to stop...but you could tell it took everything in her not to be mean.) and at the end of the time they had become "friends". I was very proud of my kids. And hopefully, the girls will start asking what a bible is!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Sounds like you are raising some amazing children! Keep up the good work! I started my blog not to long ago too. Come by anytime! I'll add you as a link at mine! :)