
Friday, May 6, 2011

Sponge Cake???

So, it has taken me a while to get this on here, but the time has finally come! Are you happy April? **Smile** April 1st. A day of fun. I love Family Fun Magazine for the creative ideas they have regarding April Fool's Day. Seriously, I don't know what I would have done without them the past few years! A few years ago put this post about a fun idea they had.  This year it was a sponge cake.  Not, any sponge cake, a cake actually made out of sponges.  Brilliant, I know.  It took a magazine to tell me the idea.  Yeah, people THINK I am creative, I just know the "special places" to find fun ideas. 

The kids were worried all day about what Mom was going to do to them.  They woke up thinking that I was going to make a fake breakfast.  Last year I fooled people on here that I was pregnant.  (Although that didn't work out too well because my youngest thought that I actually was and was quite disappointed when she finally figured out that I wasn't...yeah...note to self).  So, they were ready.  Thankfully they had O.D.E. and I had some time to figure it out.  So, the sponge cake it was.  I even baked a real one so the house smelled like I had been baking. *-)  That is what did it.  Look how excited they were that I made them a cake! 
Here is a video of how it all went down:

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