
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thoughtful Thursday

This year I joined a bible study, Community Bible Study, at a church near our house. This year we have gone through a lot of books, but one verse has hit me more than all the others (although there has been a lot more I have gotten out of it). James 1:19, "everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to become angry." It has really hit home with me. As many of you know I LOVE to talk. Yes, I know it is a shock, but a lot of times I really don't listen very well. Recently, I have not been listening very well to my kids. Instead of taking the time to really hear them out, I jump down their throat...quick to become angry. So, this verse has really taken on a huge meaning to me. So much that I have laminated it and put it on my mirror in the morning (beside my "don't forget to swish and swipe" sign...makes sense for those of you who love Flylady). The first thing I see when I am brushing my teeth is this verse. The days I am in a hurry and forget to glance at it...yep...I don't like myself. It is a good thing that the Lord forgives us over and over again, because I surely need it. But, since I have been meditating on this verse in the morning, my attitude toward my kids has gotten so much better. I praise God for this and thank Him for helping. Another reminder that if we focus on the words of the Lord and the guidance of Bible that life is just so much better! So my aim this year is to listen to my kids, really listen, to understand what they are trying to say and not always react. My aim is to love God more and more so that His love will overflow from my mouth and I will not respond in anger so quickly (yes, I understand there are times to be angry, Jesus himself even got angry the right things!). I want to listen more to anyone who is sharing their heart with me. May at the end of this year I be a better mom, wife and friend to those around me. Do you have any favorite verses that inspire you to be a better person? I would love to hear them.

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