
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Something old, something new

When I was in college, my mom had a very handy gift made for me by my youth pastor, Mike Baumgardner. It was great. I used it in college for my letter writing "station". I was cleaning out some shelves today and came across it:
It has paper and envelopes to write letters, but I now have a desk for that. Wondering what I could use this for I decided to use it as a "Sick Desk". It is great for storing things and a hard surface on top for writing or coloring. So today I put together our SICK DESK. I filled it with crayons, paper, coloring and activity books, pencils, books and playdough. So, whenever the kids are sick and stuck on the couch they now have a nice box with fun things to do. I love finding old things that I can find new uses for! Here is a look at the final product:

With this fun box, my kids will almost want to get sick...ok, maybe it isn't THAT great!

1 comment:

lizwiththree said...

that is sooo are so the get well soon poster!!