
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Once Upon a Time...

So we are studying ancient Egypt and read about the one of the first fairy tales, Gilgamesh and the lion. So for one of our project it suggested the kids to come up with there own fairy tales. I thought I would put them on here so that you can sit back and enjoy!
Pirates at Sea by John Platt
The pirates were out at sea. They were looking for the treasure, but they couldn't find it. All the nice guys hid in trees because they were so scared. The pirates searched and searched, they couldn't find the treasure anywhere. The captian said, "I think I know where the treasure is!" "Where?" said the crew. "At Sunny Island" he said. "Let's go, sir!" they shouted. So they went to Sunny Island. They searched on Sunny Island for the U V W X Y Z, the X was the one they really wanted to find. When they went there all the letters were there but the X. "This must be the wrong island" said one of the pirates. Then another pirate spotted the X far away on another island, so they got on their ship and sailed to the other island. They ran to the X as fast as they could. They dug and dug and dug until one of the pirates hit something. Could it be? Yes, it is the treasure! "Yeah," they all said, " we found it after searching miles and miles and miles and miles and miles. We finally found it!" When they opened it they found tons of money. The nice guys suddenly came out of the trees. They fought back and forth, back and forth until finally the pirates won the battle! The End
The Fairy had a baby by Emily Platt
Once upon a time the fairy had a baby on Sunday. The mermaid said, "I love your pretty baby." Then she said, "Let's go to the park with your pretty baby." Then a princess came along to the park to see the pretty baby on her way back from school. Then the princess' mom, the queen, came to the park to see her husband. The king had been teaching the princess. Then a prince came to see the pretty baby, he had followed the king and queen. Then they had some beach time and then the fairy was swinging the baby in the water. They all went for dinner and lunch. They had a big feast where they ate and ate. The baby started to cry because the baby was allergic to the water and the mother did not know. They put her to bed to get good rest and in the morning she was not sick at all. They they had her birthday party! The End
Princess of Fairy by Kiley Platt
Once upon a time a girl was walking to school and she knew just what to do. She went over and did her math before her teacher came because her mom told her to so she would be helpful. When the teacher came she did her lessons. Then she came home and her little sister came and gave her a big hug because she was excited her big sister came home. It was lunch time, they ate berad and went to the park, they ate their lunch at the park. Then mom said, "Girls, it is time to go, we have to go bring flowers to Grandpa because he is sick." When they gave him the flowers Grandpa said, "Thank you." Then they had dinner.
Lizzie and Peach and Sarah by Karli Platt
Once upon a time the princess was going on a walk to the store to get some food. While at the store she broke the jelly jar. Then they picked out some other jellies and took them to the farm and ate them up. Then they went to the fair and went and got some candy with chocolate and strawberry. They put it in a bowl for dogs and cats. Then they went to bed and got some rest. When they woke up they got some cereal for dogs and cats. The End
I hope you enjoyed these priceless tales. I did and I was so proud of them and their creativity. I wish my computer was working better so I could get the illustrations on here. I will try at a later date. I hope sometime soon you have a chance to sit down and just take a moment to think about what your fairy tale would be of. We would love to hear!

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