
Thursday, January 22, 2009

My guilty pleasure...

Ok, so I admit, I watch the Bachelor. Now, this is only because I happened to watch the last Bachelorette and really wanted Jason to win, and so I have to see if he gets the girl! Ok, and the only reason I watched the Bachelorette was because Deanna was on and she got dumped by Brad, etc. Ok, so it is admitted that it is my guilty pleasure (and Jason watches sometimes with me..isn't he great!) But, I have to call my pick for Jason, just because I actually think he really is going for a wife and not a play mate. We shall see if they have me fooled! 8-) So here is a picture of the couple I think will be together after this bizarre dating "game". Jason and Jillian. I think they have so much fun together! So we shall see. If The Bachelor is your guilty pleasure leave a post and let me know what you think!
Ok, so another show Jason and I really love it LOST! It started last night and I was so excited. The producers said that they would answer more questions this year. Well, whatever, more questions were brought up last night! I can't wait for the rest of this season! That show just keeps getting better and better!
Our favorite show of all is The Office, which as we speak I am tapying right now on our ancient VCR (see blog below) and can't wait to watch later tonight. Later comes Survivor and Amazing Race, but we are on break from them. Those are the shows Jason and I love to watch, what is your guilty pleasure?


lizwiththree said...

sad to say that my guilty pleasure is chocolate and sitting at the library looking through the stacks aimlessly...okay i know that i am a pure dork...but i love books and chocolate...

Mandie said...

As far as shows go...I share your pleasure of Lost. I will admit I am a reality show junkie. They make me feel better about myself as a person (similar to the bully who beats up other kids to feel better about himself, but without the violence).