
Thursday, September 11, 2008

One down, three to go!

Today it is official, John has started to do his own laundry. Yes, he has and he has had a great attitude about it to. It all started when he started complaining that I didn't have certain outfits ready when he wanted them. So I was trying to figure out a good discipline for this issue considering I think he should be quite grateful that I am even cleaning his clothes!! 8-) So I happened to come across someone that had written that her kids started doing their laundry when they were 7, yes 7! Well, what a coincidence...John is going to be seven too, and VERY SOON! So Jason and I decided that if he complained again about the lack of the perfect outfit being readily available that he would have start doing his laundry when he turned seven. We told him, and he was not happy (but what kid really likes being told he might have to do his laundry?). A few weeks later, looking for whatever perfect outfit happened to be that day, he said it again and started to complain that I was not doing laundry fast enough. Hello, I do two loads a day just to stay caught up. Isn't that enough??? Anyway, it was confirmed then and there he had to start. His reply, "Mom, I can't do my own laundry, laundry is for girls." Yes, those are the words he said. I know it took a few moments for the shock and anger to subside. My husband was thankfully in the room, and defended his actions with laundry and then told him that HE would show him exactly how to do laundry. So, today it began. After he washed and dried his clothes my favorite part of laundry began. After two clothing items he was tired of folding. Wait, he wasn't too tired of folding, apparently he was too tired TO fold. I know it can be quite exhausting...It was cute to watch him do it today and it made me smile. The girls started asking when THEY can start doing their laundry...oh not too long, not too long. 8-) I am very proud of John, he did a great job today! One down, three to go!!!


Missy said...

So do you mean he has to wash and dry? I LOVE it!
Logan has long been (hes 8) taking the baskets down and getting stuff out of laundry and occasioly switching.
Both of my kids (lana is 6) have to fold and put away there clothes...but you are actually saying wash as in start to finish?
You are my new Mom hero!

Tanya said...

Yep, he actually is washing and drying, folding and putting away his clothes. He had a hard time as the folding took a little bit longer, but he pushed through with dad's help (he had said that only women did laundry...)and finished it. He could watch his video for the day until it was done. It was done pronto! I am thankful for the blog I read or I wouldn't have thought about him doing it...that with his comments.....8-)

Susan said...

Way to Go!!! Start training them early!

Susan said...

I tagged you on my blog!