
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sundowner 1m and 5k

So our annual run with my nephew, Lukus, was a ton of fun this year.  Due to Kiley's surgery she had to watch, but we signed her up anyway so she could at least wear the shirt.  Although I am praising God that nothing bad happened to her last year.  She had such a hard time, little did we know that it was due to her heart problems.  She completed the mile though, she is a tough cookie!  Here the runners are getting ready for the race.  It was so hot out in the 90s. 
Dad and son enjoying getting ready together.

As you can tell the girls were very excited...really they were! 

John and Lukus ready to hit the trail.
Kiley watching for her siblings.

The cousins watching for Jason to run across the finish line for the 5K.

There is my handsome the blue shirt.  (Sorry, the other pictures he was behind this guy)

We are so excited and can't wait for next year!  Kiley is hoping to run this one and beat her sisters. Stay tuned...

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