
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Repair of the Coarctation of the Aorta


Kiley was packed and ready to go.  She had such a good attitude:
"If I can run again, then they can do whatever they want."
Aunt Kristyn flew into be with her.
Grandma drove to be with her.
                        GG and Papa came up to be with her.

 They gave her an award for BRAVERY!  Because she was definitely brave!
They brought us back into the surgical waiting area and we waited and waited and waited.  They brought books for us to read to her and we played with our camera taking funny pictures.        Then the anesthesiologist came in and explained things to us and the plan for the surgery. Then they took her back.  My mom has this beautiful picture of Kiley and nurse Natalie walking back hand-in-hand to the operating room and her talking the whole way.  We were so proud of her.  We know it was all the prayers of everyone all of the country, ones we didn't even know, that were lifting her up at that moment.  And then we waited in a family waiting area. It was set up just for us.  It was nice not having to wait with everyone else. We played Speed Scrabble to pass the time.  Then Nurse Natalie came and gave us an update halfway through the surgery that everything was ok.  Within two hours all was done and she was headed to post op.  We went up and were waiting and waiting to see her.  The hard part was they called my husband and I back and then a doctor came out and told us that coarctation was more closed that they had anticipated, but that they were able to do a good repair and she was doing good.  The hard thing was that the epidurial cracked during surgery and they had to take it out, but we didn't know that at first and it took them FOREVER to come back and get us and we could see all the nurses coming and going from  her room and so we thought something bad was happening, but they were just trying to get the tube out of her back.  This is our dear daughter after her surgery.  She did such a good job and we thank God abundantly for the sucess of it.  I will have to post later about her recovery, which was amazing in itself.  Praise God!

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