
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Building Character

"The world of the [very] young...[is] a place where good and evil are clearly stamped. It's a place where the better part of human nature triumphs over tragedies, and where innocence rides high." --Rosemary Wells
Building Character, it seems so hard these days. I recently was skimming for more information in A Well Trained Mind (I book I have come to love, I don't use everything in it, but it has helped me a lot!) when I got to the chapter about building character. There were a few books that caught my eye. I researched them and found this one. So I have taken it along with me to the library. It lists different books that, through the stories themselves, build character. The author discusses how some of the books are a great starting point for discussions, where as others are ones that the stories speak for themselves.
"The growth of the imagination demands windows--windows through which we can look out at the world and windows through which we can look into ourselves. The old stories were windows in just this way." --Katherine Paterson
The book is broken into different categories. I have started with the Picture Books. It is funny how there are some really great books out there you didn't even know exist. I strongly suggest if you don't have this book, get it. Here are a few that we have come across that have a really liked:
Brave Irene by William Steig
The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton
Owl Moon by Jane Yolen
The Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown

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