
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Happy Creativity!

We love Halloween for the very fact that we get to celebrate creativity and use their imagination to be whatever they want to be!

We were so proud of John, he made his own costume (minus the helmet). He drew on some white long johns and then for Captain Rex's black "skirt" he tied a black t-shirt around his waist. He looked great!

Trick or treating at one of our favorite neighbor's house.

Yes, Jason and I were Bacon and Eggs! The perfect match!

Cinnamon went trick or treating himself and found some candy. (Don't worry you dog lovers out there we got it after this picture. No chocolate was consumed!)

Sadly, this is not all the candy we got...anyone want some?

Fun with friends!

If you have never thought of the pumpkin as a chance to remember what God has done, please keep reading.

1. First when you get the pumpkin you cut open the top. This is a great reminder that we need to open our minds to the things of the Lord, searching for Him.

2. Second, God takes all the crappy stuff out of our lives when we confess our sins and trust in Him alone to save us. (1 John 1:9)

3. Third, as you cut the eyes in the pumpkin we can be reminded to ask God to help us see more of Him. (Psalm 119:18)
4. Next, when you cut the mouth you can be reminded to share Jesus and all the things God has done for you with those you meet. (Psalm 118:17)
5. When you place the candle in your pumpkin it can be a reminder for our lives to shine for Him. (Matthew 5:16)

I know this is posted after Halloween, but I hope that you are able to look at pumpkins in a different light each fall. What another Great reminder of all God has done for us!

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