
Monday, January 19, 2009

Shhhh, don't tell them!

So yes, today is Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday observed, but I am a terrible mom, we still had school. The kids had no idea until one of the neighbor kids came over and announced that the didn't have school Monday AND Friday. This morning I kept getting the question, "Why do we have to have school? No one else is." Well, I stuck to my (apparently terrible) guns and had school. It was pretty good and there will be a day soon when all the other kids will be in school and they will have a day off and then it won't be so bad. 8-) But, we learned something new today and we had fun doing it. Action verbs, I never knew, could be so fun to learn. They got out their jitters by jumping, running, screaming (their favorite), growling, roaring, punching and they could not forget to tackle mom (John's favorite). What could have been a better day to learn about action verbs when you just want to get out there and enjoy and play like the rest...they had fun and I got to check off a was good, but next time I think I will have to warn the neighbor kids...Shh, don't tell them!

1 comment:

Tanya said...

oh and we did learn about Martin Luther King Jr too. Don't worry! 8-)