
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Reminder that Life is Short...

So yesterday was an intense day. My father-in-law went in for his second brain surgery. For those that don't know he was diagnosed with brain cancer about a year and a half ago. He has been doing AMAZING! The doctors constantly say he is the miracle man. The chemo has not really effected him too much and he has continued to go on with life as normal, just a few extra naps. 8-) This weekend they got a call from the neurosurgeon stating that they wanted to do another surgery. There had been some recent tests that looked like something was going on and they needed to get in there to make sure everything was OK. They had one day to make the decision, so yesterday he went in. After about 6-7 hours in surgery he came out and is doing better in recovery than the first surgery to remove the tumor. The doctor said that 90% of what was in there was residual affects of the radiation and 10% was being sent off for biopsy. The best scenario of what could happen. Praise God! My father-in-law is such a trooper and I have seen him grow through this and he never ceases to amaze me. I am so proud of him!

During that same joy some news of a dear friend of our family growing up was on a cruise in Alaska with her husband for their anniversary. Yesterday she collapsed with a brain aneurysm and died within the hour. My mind is still boggled by what her husband must be going through. One moment enjoying a cruise and the next without his life long partner, on top of that away from family and friends. A reminder of the fact that life is so fleeting, so short and we never know when our bodies are done. As I continue to pray for the family my heart also wants to remind others...where are you? What if that happened to you? Do you know where you will spend eternity? It is blunt, but important and true! This life is fleeting, we are constantly wasting away, because of our sin we are all dying! It is such a sad realization, but true! We are all dying, BUT there is HOPE! Thankfully, our wonderful maker and creator God did not leave us alone, He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for those sins that cause death so that we might LIVE again!!! So when this world is gone, or we are gone from this world that there is something to look forward to, FOREVER with Him in Heaven! Amazing, I always feel so loved that He thought of me, ME to save me from my sins so I could be perfect and live FOREVER and all I have to do is ask Him. That is it! Just ask! How cool is that! How simple He made it, we don't have to do anything but believe what He said and ask him to save us!!! Thankfully, for our dear friend she loved God with all her heart, and I know that it is sad she is gone, but I WILL see her again in Heaven FOREVER! What a comfort and a celebration for her that she is now with her Maker! I want you to remember...this life is short, unknowing, full of death...BUT there is something to look forward too if you have asked and accepted what Jesus did for you. If you haven't ask Him will be FOREVER grateful!!!

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